Re-Frame: A Holocaust In the Ocean

Hearing about WW2, along with the holocaust can be very tragic and emotional. We always think of what our generations have gone through in this world. But we don’t think what goes on beyond the land. Like humans, fish and mammals also go through their own wars, we just mind our own business. Everyday in the ocean there is a war between fish and sharks, seals and penguins, shrimp and whales, etc. But we think its normal and its a way of life. For instance, if we can go vegetarian, why can’t they? But it’s life. And life will repeat its self over and over again. Under the sea, there are multiple holocaust’s going on but we don’t think anything of it. Just like they don’t think any thing of it for us. Everything that happens in this world will change us for the better. The world today now knows right from wrong. Reading All Quiet on the Western Front really changes the perspective on Germans being horrible people. They were just trying to protect their land and just like the British and French, they too went through tragedies– lives were lost in the process. Emotions for both sides are the same, but they only think about what its like for them. Like the ocean and land, we don’t pay attention to their emotions and the life under the sea don’t comprehend how we feel. It’s life, and it will always be like that. The very top gif shows war under the sea, the middle gif shows a war plane hovering over the ocean where a potential war could be going on, and lastly, the bottom gif shows a real clip from World War Two. – Kianna and Valerie

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